Mr. Black has helped secure several multi-million dollar victories for clients. The following is a partial list of some representative matters.

Wage & Hour Litigation.
Succesfully litigated overtime claims for multiple clients which resulted in the entry of favorable judgments against a large mortgage company.
Wrongful Death.
Succesfully litigated wrongful death case against well known drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility resulting in large settlement.
Homeowners Association Disputes.
Succesfully litigated dispute involving a large HOA's enforcement of its CC&R's against homeowner for unauthorized construction. In another case, succesfully litigated challenge to recall of HOA board of directors.
Jason N. Black

Jason Black earned his law degree from the University of San Diego School of Law. Mr. Black also holds a B.A. in Political Science with a minor in Telecommunications from Baylor University in Waco, Texas. Prior to attending Baylor, Mr. Black recieved a congressional nomination to the United States Military Academy at West Point from former U.S. Congressman Chet Edwards. Mr. Black was selected by a local chapter of the American Legion to represent it and participate in a mock Texas government in Austin, Texas. While enrolled at Baylor, Mr. Black worked with noted author and columnist Fredric Dannen in his research for a book about the death penalty in Texas. Mr. Black received top honors (Am Jur) in advanced trial advocacy (LS II) and was invited back after graduation to judge mock trials for the class.
Prior to opening his own firm, Mr. Black served as the senior litigation associate at Teeple Hall, L.L.P. a boutique law firm in La Jolla, CA. Mr. Black managed several associates as part of the firms plaintiff litigation practice helping to secure several multi-million dollar serious injury settlements. Mr. Black has been certified as class counsel in both state and federal court in several successful wage and hour class action lawsuits.

Mr. Black is licensed to practice law in the State of California and before the United States District Court for the Southern, Eastern and Central Districts of California and before the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Mr. Black is also a member of the San Diego County Bar Association, American Bar Association and the American Association of Justice (formerly known as the Association of Trial Lawyers of America [ATLA]).

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